AEC Education & Migration Centre (AEC Education & Migration Centre) was established in 1998 and recognized by the Australian government. AEC Education & Migration Pty Ltd. Immigration agent account number: No.9902132, education consultant registration number: B048.The company is headquartered in central Sydney, unit 309, 379-383 Pitt ST, Sydney. The division is located in Hobart, capital of Tasmania, Level2, 73 Murray Street Murray house, Hobart, Tas7000. Our office in shandong province is located at 2-201, 2nd floor, peichun building, shandong university of communications (wuying mountain campus). The company has several Australian registered immigration agents and registered study consultants and Australian government recognized three level translation, every year to take over thousands of cases, the success rate is maintained at more than 98%. New Australia immigration education centre and simper education training school
Copyright ©A.E.C.Education & Migration P/L Tel: 61-2-9211-5171 Shandong Office Headquarters Jinan Tel: 18769721121 Unit309,379-383, Pitt Street, Sydney E-mail: |